About Me

Hello my fellow creators and aesthetes, I would like to first thank you for taking the time of reading my about page because not a lot of people like to read these. My name is Destin Blake and I have been a 3D environment artist for the past 4 years. I currently live in a small desert town in southern California where I’m pursuing an associate’s degree in animation. My passion for 3D environment building started during my freshmen year of high school where I created a solar system with a space station using only primitive shapes. Unfortunately, I don’t have the render of this scene because I wasn’t taught how to render at the time but I couldn’t stop thinking about how I could make this part of my life. After months of research on what art do for a living, I wanted to start an Instagram profile so I can start sharing my art with people. But I felt that I needed to do more for my audience because posting every few weeks felt boring to watch, and I wanted to make myself useful towards anyone that may come across me so I made a website. The purpose of this site is to build a community of aesthetes and future creators through my actions. I plan on sharing free recourses on art-related topics, how to become an entrepreneur for artists, providing monthly motivational quotes to help boost morale, and most importantly try to answer any questions you may have for me. For the aesthetes out there, I plan on making compelling stories through my animations and renders that I will share with you. I will continue to share my art through the different social media pages I have, but I also make separate pieces for purchase in the online shop. Let’s work together to build a long-lasting community.